
Variables in JavaScript are containers used to store data values. Unlike other programming languages like Java or C, JavaScript is a dynamically-typed language, meaning you don't need to declare a variable's data type explicitly. Here's an overview of variables in JavaScript:

  1. Variable Declaration:

    • You can declare variables using the var, let, or const keywords.
    var name = "John"; // Using var (old way) let age = 30; // Using let (preferred for block-scoped variables) const PI = 3.14; // Using const (immutable constant)
  2. Variable Naming Rules:

    • Variable names in JavaScript can contain letters, digits, underscores (), or dollar signs ($). They must begin with a letter, underscore (), or dollar sign ($). Variable names are case-sensitive.
    var firstName = "John"; // Valid variable name var 1stName = "John"; // Invalid variable name (cannot start with a digit)
  3. Var, Let, and Const:

    • var: Declares a variable globally or locally to an entire function regardless of block scope. It's considered outdated and is mostly replaced by let and const.
    • let: Declares a block-scoped variable. It's preferred over var for declaring variables with block scope.
    • const: Declares a block-scoped variable that cannot be reassigned. It's used for defining constants.
  4. Assigning Values:

    • You can assign values to variables using the assignment operator =. JavaScript is dynamically typed, so you don't need to specify the data type when declaring a variable.
    var age = 30; // Assigning a number var name = "John"; // Assigning a string
  5. Updating Variables:

    • You can update the value of a variable by simply assigning a new value to it.
    var count = 10; count = count + 1; // Incrementing the value of count by 1

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