
Selectors are an essential part of jQuery as they allow you to target specific elements within a webpage for manipulation. Let's go over some commonly used selectors:

  1. Element Selector:

    • Selects all elements with a specific tag name.
    $('p') // Selects all <p> elements
  2. Class Selector:

    • Selects all elements with a specific class.
    $('.highlight') // Selects all elements with class "highlight"
  3. ID Selector:

    • Selects a single element with a specific ID.
    $('#header') // Selects the element with ID "header"
  4. Attribute Selector:

    • Selects elements based on attribute values.
    $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]') // Selects elements with attribute data-toggle="tooltip"
  5. Combination Selectors:

    • You can combine selectors for more specific targeting.
    $('ul li') // Selects all <li> elements within <ul> elements
  6. Pseudo-selectors:

    • These allow for even more specific selection, like selecting the first or last element.
    $('p:first') // Selects the first <p> element $('p:last') // Selects the last <p> element
  7. Parent-Child Relationship:

    • Selecting elements based on their relationship in the DOM tree.
    $('div > p') // Selects all <p> elements that are direct children of <div> elements
  8. Sibling Selector:

    • Selecting elements that are siblings of other elements.
    $('h2 + p') // Selects all <p> elements that are immediately preceded by an <h2> element
  9. Filtering:

    • You can also filter selected elements further based on various criteria.
    $('div').first() // Selects the first <div> element $('div').eq(2) // Selects the third <div> element (zero-based index)

These are just a few examples of the many selectors available in jQuery. They provide a powerful way to target specific elements within a webpage, enabling dynamic and interactive web development.

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